
Delphinium Araya (she| her)

Project Coordinator, 2Spirit, Trans and Non Binary Social Health Programs

Delphinium (Delphi) Araya, identifies as Trans, 2Spirit, Chilean-Canadian woman. Delphi has over 15 years experience in advocating for trans inclusion and equity


Her work in culture is founded in belief of decolonizing and indigenizing systems so we can treat the roots causes of social injustice.


Delphi has also worked with organizations like 2 Spirited People of the 1st Nations and Ontario, PODER- a decolonial feminist Latinx organization and Elevate Equity, the first trans led organization in Toronto., Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy; as a member of their board of Directors, as a social justice storyteller, and as a peer outreach worker to help better support and serve the two spirit communities in and outside Toronto.


In whatever community she works with and is a part of Delphi is carrying on the legacy of a teacher like her Two Spirit ancestors before her.