HQ Strategic Plan 2023-2025
From the HQ Strategic Plan:
We—cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people—have higher-than-expected rates of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (including HIV), mental-health problems, substance-use problems, and social isolation. For decades we have foregone care out of fear about how we would be treated. Discriminated against when accessing care, we hid who we really are to access care and, as a result, missed out on the care we needed. HQ is now here to meet our needs, often with the services provided by people just like us—and always with services designed and continuously improved by people just like us.
Cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people who are Indigenous, Black and other people of colour have faced even greater challenges in accessing care, particularly care that is culturally responsive and that builds on our strengths. HQ and its partner agencies are now here to collectively enhance health equity and resilience.
Learn more about HQ's unique mission, values, approach and organizational structure by reading the complete plan below.