HQ Health services

Services at HQ

Sexual health button

HQ offers innovative, express STI and HIV testing and treatment, as well as private facilities for STI self-swabbing.

Mental health button

Cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people experience higher rates of mental health issues and substance use challenges; childhood trauma, stigma, homophobia, and social isolation often create barriers for us. By caring for our mental health, HQ will improve outcomes for the whole community.

SP Services button

As a community hub, HQ offers group rooms that will allow cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people to see HQ as home. A community space for poetry and book clubs, art events and coffee nights.

HQ's Impact

HQ’s tagline encapsulates our mission: ‘providing sexual health and social-support services by and for the community of cis guys into guys and two-spirit individuals.' A significant portion of our clients are non-documented newcomers to Canada. HQ currently offers HIV and STI testing services daily for an average of about 170 people (with peaks reaching over 210 people in eight hours) solely through word-of-mouth referrals. This proactive approach aids in early diagnosis of STBBIs before symptoms appear and enables same-day treatment initiation which benefits individual health outcomes while reducing transmission risks.


HQ has been instrumental in addressing unmet needs within the community by enhancing health equity and fostering resilience among its members. Notably, we have reduced the time from HIV testing to treatment initiation from 12 business days down to just 24 hours.


As the demand for our services continues to grow rapidly, your collaboration is increasingly vital as we navigate these challenges together. Click the button below to download our statistics showcasing HQ's positive impact on the community through sexual and mental health services.