Nik Redman (he | him)
Board Member
Nik is a dad to a wonderful almost 11-year-old. As an artist and activist, he has found and embraced many communities in Toronto. He is proud of his Bajan roots and is a black queer trans man. Nik was one of the creators of “Primed: A Back Pocket Guide for Trans Guys and the Guys Who Dig ‘Em.” Nik has been Co-Investigator for the Trans MSM project and is part of the steering committee for the Trans PULSE Canada Project, a community-based research (CBR) project within Canada’s Trans Community. Nik was one of the online facilitators for the province-wide HIV/AIDS-themed Stigma campaign. He currently works as a Grievance Officer with Local 1998 United Steelworkers Union who represent staff at the University of Toronto. In addition, Nik is a programmer for the Inside Out LGBTQ Film and Video Festival. As a member of Blackness Yes! he has been instrumental in programming Blockorama, the longest-running stage at Pride Toronto. He was a founding member of the Transparent-cy Working Group at The 519 Community Centre that helped to initiate the Trans-Fathers 2B course—the first course for trans men considering parenting in North America. He is also an award-winning DJ and writer. Nik fuses art with community leadership and activism, and brings this lens to HQ’s board of directors.