Toni DiPede (he | him)
Board Member
Tony Di Pede has been active in the AIDS movement in Canada for more than 30 years. In addition to being a Board member of HQ, Tony has been on the Boards of The Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (TPWAF), Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Treatment Action Council, Wellesley Central Hospital, Ontario AIDS Network, The Wellesley Institute, Wellesley Central Residence Inc., Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), Fife House, AIDS Action Now!; and a member of the Ontario Advocacy Commission. Tony was one of the early builders of the TPWAF. Tony is also a founding member of the Wellesley Institute, a private foundation investing over $1 million annually in community-based research in urban health and health policy development in Toronto. He was also a board member and Vice Chair of the Drs. Paul and John Rekai Centre (a long-term care facility). Tony was the Chair of The Wellesley Central Residence Inc. (WCRI). WCRI raised the capital and built a supportive housing complex providing affordable supportive housing to 60 PLWHIV/AIDS and 60 seniors. The complex was completed in fall 2008 and became fully occupied in January 2009. Tony is a tremendous advocate for the rights of people living with and at-risk of HIV, and he brings this passion to his role on HQ's board of directors.