Crystal Meth Use Self-Management Resources
We want to make sure that you have the resources and information you need to support your crystal meth use. Below you will find some resources that may be of help to you.
Supports at HQ
If you are interested in joining a group at HQ to discuss your crystal meth use, please ask to speak with a clinician. If you are not at the clinic, when you are there next, please answer “yes” to our screening question about receiving mental health support.
HiMyNameIsTina is an online wellness resource written for and by gay, bi, and queer men. This site is for guys who use Tina (meth), former or ex-users, guys who want to take a break, guys who want to quit, and loved ones negatively impacted by crystal meth. It provides information on safer using, sex and Tina, and community resources.
What Does Meth Feel Like?
This article explores what being high on meth feels like and what it does to you and your body. The author underlines what a meth high feels like, euphoria and emotional blunting, misplaced sense of empowerment, physical stimulation aka ‘tweaking’, weight loss, sexual effects, dosing, and the long-term effects of using this substance.
Op-Ed: The After-Meth of Sex
An op-ed written about stopping using meth and navigating sober sex.
Article: After Party
This account of crystal meth use explains the neurochemical effects of prolonged use, its relationship to HIV, its resurgence and accessibility, reasons why minority populations use this substance i.e., gay men, and the psychosocial factors that keep individuals using.
Turning Tina
This resource outlines some of the facts about using meth, including what it does to your body and how it gets into your body. It also discusses some of the warning signs that may signal it is time to take a break or get help. Turning Tina offers practical advice, tailored to HIV+ gay, bi, and trans men, on reducing the harms that may come with using crystal meth.