
Our Supporters

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our invaluable supporters. Your contributions have a significant impact on the lives of cisgender men attracted to men, Two-Spirit individuals, transgender, and non-binary people who receive our holistic care.

Ways to support HQ Toronto

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Help HQ Toronto by contributing the funds raised from your fundraising event or campaign.

Third Party button

Help HQ Toronto by contributing the funds raised from your fundraising event or campaign.

Legacy button

Consider leaving a legacy that embodies your values through a will bequest.

Your Support!

Your support helps us create a welcoming center where cisgender men attracted to men, transgender, and non-binary individuals can manage their sexual, mental, physical, and emotional health—all in one place and without appointments! We are proud to be affirming, sex-positive, and shame-free.


HQ is dedicated to providing vital sexual health, mental health, and social support services. With your help, we can continue offering these holistic services as demand grows. Your contributions make a real difference in the lives of our community members!

Registered charity

HQ Health Hub is a registered charity:


BN 76076 9604 RR0001

You will be issued a tax receipt in January of the following year for cumulative donation(s) of $35 or more; emailed to you as a PDF.

As a supporter, you'll receive email updates from HQ. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Contact us


 Osmel Guerra Maynes,

Director Philanthropy

416.521.4445 ext. 500

Our Supporters

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