Get Involved at HQ
There are many ways to get involved at HQ! You can pursue a career with HQ, volunteer at HQ, or donate to support HQ’s services

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HQ couldn’t exist without the talent and generosity of our community. Find out how you can help.
Sexual Health
Mental Health
Social Health
Donate to HQ
There are many ways to get involved at HQ! You can pursue a career with HQ, volunteer at HQ, or donate to support HQ’s services
At HQ, we are seeking passionate, compassionate, and qualified professionals to provide holistic health and social care for guys into guys and trans people into guys in Toronto. New positions are updated regularly, so check this space often.
There are many opportunities to get involved with HQ through volunteering. Volunteers at HQ may assist with social programming and events, greet and provide support to visitors, and help with administrative tasks. Volunteering is a great way to get involved with HQ and with the communities that we work with.
Together we can build a safe, welcoming place where all cis guys into guys and trans people into guys get the health care and support they deserve.