Sexual Health Services

At HQ, we provide comprehensive prevention, testing, and treatment services for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. We also offer anal-cancer screening and specialized services like HIV risk and PrEP assessments. Immediate access to HIV prevention tools like PrEP and PEP is available for those who need them.

Who Are HQ's Sexual Health Services For?

HQ Toronto provides sexual health services to:

  • Guys into guys,
    • Including gay, bisexual and queer men, and guys who have sex with guys.
  • Indigenous Two-Spirit people,
  • Trans men and women,
  • Non-binary people assigned male at birth (AMAB) who have sex with men or other AMAB people.

For non-binary people assigned female at birth as well as cis women, specialized sexual health services are available at Hassle Free ClinicPlanned Parenthood Toronto, and Women’s Health in Women’s Hands.

What is express HIV testing?

Express HIV testing is available at HQ. Walk-ins are encouraged. Start by using a kiosk to provide your information and follow on-screen prompts. Then, a staff member will conduct the blood draw.


No provider appointment needed. Results are typically sent via text or email the same or next day. HQ provides status-neutral care, linking all service users to appropriate care regardless of test results. Users may be connected to HIV treatment, PrEP, or PEP services as needed.

Returning Visitor? take a look at our video tutorial.


First time Visitor? take a look at our video tutorial.


CANFAR Express Testing Laboratory


Our two instruments are the Abbott Alinity and the Hologic Panther


On the Abbott Alinity we perform the screening Serologic tests (look for antibodies for Syphilis and HIV-1 & HIV-2, each test takes serum (separated from blood) and takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

On the Hologic Panther we perform Nucleic Amplification (similar to PCR) for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia from rectal, pharyngeal swabs, and urine, the test takes about 4 hours.


Hologic panther also performs confirmatory Nucleic Amplification Test (similar to PCR) for HIV-1 from serum (separated from blood) and takes about 3 hours.

These result times are a lot faster than sending specimens to PHO (Public Health Ontario) as they can take days or weeks.


Capacity to provide testing results within same day and or next day.

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Commonly asked questions- Sexual Health

SH Button

HQ offers fast access to comprehensive sexual health services, including prevention, testing, and treatment, ensuring timely and confidential care.