Non-Monogamous Relationships Resources
We want to make sure that you have the resources and information to keep yourself safe and healthy. Below you will find some resources related to poly relationships, sex and substance use, consent, and intimate partner violence that may be of help to you.
Supports at HQ
If you are interested in joining a group at HQ to discuss your mental health or relationships, please ask to speak with a clinician. If you are not at the clinic, when you are there next, please answer “yes” to our screening question about receiving mental health support.
Drivers Ed for the Sexual Superhighway: Navigating Consent
This resource comprehensively defines sexual consent, differentiates willingness and free choice in sexual decision making, levels of participation, and provides a useful guide for communicating and maintaining ongoing consent with sexual partners.
Power and Control Wheel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Relationships
This tool is designed to help LGBTQ+ users identify varying types of violence (physical, sexual, emotional/mental) that may be present and impacting their intimate/romantic relationships.
Smart Sex Resource: Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex
Alcohol and other substances can enhance our sexual experiences and it is important to know what works and what does not work for us when combining them. This educational resource lists several harm reduction strategies for navigating alcohol and substance use when sexually engaging with others.
How to Screw Up Your Relationship (And Make Everyone Miserable While You’re At It)
This is a humorous and playful resource that helps users improve all types of relationships, interpersonal effectiveness skills, communication, boundary setting, and conflict resolution amongst others.
LGBT Communities and Domestic Violence: Information & Resources
This resource includes information on language and vocabulary useful for identifying intimate partner violence, how sexism and homophobia intersect same sex or gender diverse relationships, dynamics of domestic violence, and intervention strategies.
More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory
By Franklin Veaux and Eve Ricket
ISBNs: 9780991399703
More than Two is a comprehensive guide for any reader interested in or already engaged in poly relationship structures. The authors explore the complexities of polyamory underlining themes of communication, transparency, trust, negotiation (sex and boundaries), working through conflict related to jealousy and insecurity, etc. This text provides a useful toolkit that will help readers make informed decisions about a poly lifestyle and maintaining strong and healthy relationships.
Polysecure Attachment: Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy
By Jessica Fern
ISBN: 9781944934989
Psychotherapist Jessica Fern extends attachment theory into the realm of consensual nonmonogamy. Using a model of attachment and trauma, she expands the readers’ understanding of how emotional experiences can influence our relationships. Fern sets out six specific strategies to help readers move toward secure attachments in poly relationships.