Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Self-Management Resources
We want to make sure that you have the resources and information to support your mental health. Below you will find some resources that may be of help to you.
Supports at HQ
If you are interested in joining a group at HQ to discuss managing symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), please ask to speak with a clinician. If you are not at the clinic, when you are there next, please answer “yes” to our screening question about receiving mental health support.
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s (CAMH) Resource List
This is a list of community resources, support groups, organizations, and self-help books that may be helpful for people living with OCD.
Toronto West OCD Group
This is a peer-led drop-in support group that offers a safe and confidential environment. The focus is on self-advocacy, personal development, and ongoing recovery. This drop-in is open to adults and children with OCD as well as friends and family. It is free, no registration required.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Information Sheet
This link provides information about OCD and what can be done about it, including information about medication, counselling, self-help strategies.
GG OCD – Anxiety, Mood, and Sleep App
A personalized app that helps users learn about negative thinking patterns, how to discard them, discover supportive thoughts that can be used as an alternative inner monologue, and train to embrace supportive thinking, and utilize the improved self-talk in daily life. This app allows for gradual, steady learning of more adaptive self-take thereby helping to break the vicious thought cycle maintaining low self-esteem.
The OCD Workbook: Your Guide to Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
ISBN 1572249226
This workbook is intended to help people with OCD understand and manage symptoms. It offers day-to-day coping strategies along with self-help techniques to help maintain progress. This workbook will help you: use self-assessment tools to identify your symptoms and their severity; create and implement a recovery strategy using cognitive behavioral self-help tools and techniques; learn about the most effective medications and medical treatments; find the right professional help and access needed support for your recovery; and maintain your progress and prevent future relapse.