Street and Prescription Opioid Self-Management Resources
We want to make sure that you have the resources and information support your opioid use. Below you will find some resources that may be of help to you.
Supports at HQ
If you are interested in joining a group at HQ to discuss your opioid use, please ask to speak with a clinician. If you are not at the clinic, when you are there next, please answer “yes” to our screening question about receiving mental health support.
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Program’s Safer Opioid Supply Program
Clients in this program receive prescriptions for pharmaceutical opioids with the goal of supporting them to decrease their reliance on the toxic, unpredictable street supply of opioids. Clients are also supported by staff who offer case management, appointment accompaniment, counselling, harm reduction education, recreational/drop-in programming, mobile care, and connections to other services.
Satellite Opioid Treatment
The Satellite is a community-based outpatient opioid addiction treatment service. It provides comprehensive services to people who are facing challenges related to their use of opioid drugs. Services offered at the Satellite include opioid agonist treatment (methadone and Suboxone), counselling and therapy, case management, nursing care, health education and health promotion activities, a drop-in resource centre, meal programs, recreational activities, space for peer support and community building, and access to resources such as harm reduction supplies, food bank, and clothing.
Toronto Opiate Support Team
The Toronto Opiate Support Team (TOST) operates in various locations throughout Toronto as an outreach team to engage with and advocate for people who are using opiates and replacement medications, and have little or no access to supportive services. They work collaboratively with agencies and programs in the community to offer holistic, compassionate, accessible and flexible ongoing or short term support. TOST provides support and advocacy, counselling, and training to community service providers about harm reduction, gender based violence, opiates and opiate treatment.
The Methadone Manifesto
This is a document written by members of the Urban Survivors Union methadone advocacy and reform team, an organizing team composed of current and former methadone patients and allies. This manifesto envisions models of low-barrier methadone dispensing for people who use. Note that this resource is both comprehensive and exhaustive as it pertains to methadone, methamphetamine use, and harm reduction.