About us

Who we are?

HQ is a collaboration of diverse agencies committed to the health of cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people. We’re also partner with hospital and primary health care partners in Toronto to provide innovative and holistic health services.


Community- A place where people come together

HQ is a community gathering space that hosts social events. We create a space where cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people support one another and enhance their well-being. We strengthen community, foster a sense of belonging, reduce social isolation and loneliness, and make a particular effort to reach people who are vulnerable or marginalized.


Inclusivity- HQ means inclusion

HQ believes in the power of diversity and inclusivity. We actively engage cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people as staff, peers and volunteers and encourage them to use their lived experience to shape our services. We provide a welcoming, accepting space, free of judgement and discrimination, where we see ourselves and our cultures reflected in the people planning, delivering and receiving hub services.


Compassion- A space for cis guys into guys and all trans and non-binary people

HQ approach its work with empathy, respect and compassion. We create a welcoming space that supports cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary peoples in their unique journeys. Ours is an affirming, sex-positive, shame-free, bullying-free space we are free to celebrate our identities with pride and confidence.

Strength-based- Stronger together

We acknowledge the strengths and lived realities of cis guys into guys and two-spirit, transgender and non-binary people, and we tailor our services to each person’s unique needs and experiences. Our health services are affirming, evidence-based, strengths-based and trauma-informed. We listen and we learn. We strive to use the best available knowledge and experience to help cis guys into guys and trans people into guys build resilience and reduce harm.