In Memoriam Sponsorship
HQ Toronto deeply values donations made in memory or in honor of a loved one. These meaningful contributions significantly enhance the lives of cisgender men attracted to men, Two-Spirit individuals, transgender individuals, and non-binary people by funding essential Mental Health, Sexual Health, and Social Support Services.
By honoring someone special through a donation, you not only pay tribute to their memory but also support vital resources that benefit our community. You can choose to send an e-card featuring your personalized message, or we can mail a sympathy letter on your behalf to the bereaved family, letting them know of your thoughtful gift. Your generosity makes a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.
Ways to support HQ Toronto
Donate in memory of a loved one or to celebrate someone special. Support HQ Toronto by contributing funds from your fundraising event or campaign, and consider leaving a legacy through a bequest in your will.
- Donation: In Memoriam
- Third Party Fundraising
- Leave your Legacy!
Your Support!
Your support helps us create a welcoming center where cisgender men attracted to men, transgender, and non-binary individuals can manage their sexual, mental, physical, and emotional health—all in one place and without appointments! We are proud to be affirming, sex-positive, and shame-free.
HQ Health Hub is a registered charity:
BN 76076 9604 RR0001
You will be issued a tax receipt in January of the following year for cumulative donation(s) of $35 or more; emailed to you as a PDF. As a supporter, you'll receive email updates from HQ. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Have more questions please contact:
Osmel Guerra Maynes-Director Philanthropy, Community & Engagement | 416.521.4445 ext. 500